Industry urges Govt to "maintain the rage" on red tape

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Overly-complex regulatory measures are the "bane of the business community".
Overly-complex regulatory measures are the "bane of the business community".

The Government's focus on reducing industry red tape is "very encouraging", according to Australian Industry Group Chief Executive Innes Willox.

"It is very encouraging that the Government is maintaining its focus on this very important reform area with the set of measures it has unveiled today and, more critically, through its commitment to further progress over the remainder of this term of the Parliament and beyond," Willox asserted recently.

"Unnecessary, overly-complex and duplicating regulatory measures are the bane of the business community and of small business in particular. Measures removing, simplifying or streamlining the burden of red and green tape not only lift a load off businesses, they free-up for more productive ends the considerable time and effort currently consumed by excessive reporting and compliance tasks."

Streamlined construction accreditation processes

"Ai Group particularly welcomes the measures to streamline accreditation processes for building and construction companies working on Commonwealth-funded building projects. Lengthening accreditation periods to up to six years for high-performing companies, together with removing duplicated accreditation requirements, will ease unnecessary regulatory burdens on construction companies and lift productivity," Willox said.

"Ai Group will look very closely at the measures announced today and will consult with our members to assist the Government to build on them and refine and modify them if necessary."

Team effort

"The Government can do a lot to cut red tape, but they can't do it all alone. All parties in the Parliament need to do their part to avoid unnecessary new burdens and trim existing excesses. Reforms like the Government's plans to streamline environmental approvals to end duplication between the Commonwealth and the States and Territories through the One Stop Shop should be a high priority.

"We urge the Government to maintain the rage against unnecessary and poorly-designed red tape; to persist in its efforts to reduce existing burdens at all levels of government; to ensure new measures and obligations impose as little additional burden as possible; and to continue the vital task of lifting the quality of regulators and regulatory agencies so that they too become focused on minimising the regulatory burdens imposed in the exercise of their responsibilities.

"The 2014-15 Ai Group/World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Index highlights that regulation hurts Australian businesses' international competitiveness. Australia's ranking for "burden of government regulation" sits at 124th place in 2014-15, deteriorating from 60th place in 2010-11," Willox said.

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